2020 "United Nations" and "National Poetry Month" Award Winner
2020 "United Nations" and "National Poetry Month" Award Winner
It was such a blessing being a speaker for NoKidhungry.org please support their cause. My video was posted right under Patti Labelle, so awesome!
An interview with one of the most prestigious poetry platforms "The Passion of Poetry" with 115,ooo plus poetry lovers!, Yes please, I'm honored.
Thank you William and Mary college, The Poetry Society of Virginia and Pulitzer Prize nominee Bill Glose for selecting my poem "Spirit Eyes, Istanbul Dream" as one of your award winners.
My performance on the KA Zarr Coleman show of the poem "The Lesson" now being broadcast on Verizon and Comcast Cable cable. Please give a listen.
The death of my father was my birth as a poet. I, a seven-year-old black boy from the John Robinson homes projects, would dream of being a successful writer. Two years ago, I was blessed by the United Nations after stepping out on faith and stood before a worldwide audience of 1200 (via zoom due to Covid-19). As we near the anniversary my heart is still filled with gratitude.
It was an absolute pleasure being asked to appear on "Book Notes" on WBJC FM (Baltimore City College Radio) to discuss the upcoming Juneteenth celebration and read a poem. Hostess Judith Krummeck was delightful! Please give a listen.
Juneteenth—June Nineteenth—will be observed as a public holiday for the second year on Monday, June 20th. Award-winning poet, Brian Donnell James, shares thoughts on how poetry contributes to this commemoration of the end of slavery in the United States.
Award winning poet shares words about Juneteenth on BookNotes « WBJC
A heart and spirit warming show indeed
The Poetry Corner NYC
"King's Pop Up"
Brian Donnell James is a “United Nations” and a “National Poetry Month” award winning poet who regularly speaks at universities and colleges across the country. He is an emerging writer who has been published in Africa, Europe, and throughout the United States. He is a poet fellow for the Martha’s Vineyard Creative Writing Institute and has been a poetry judge for Penguin Random House, Maryland Library System, We Need Diverse Books, The Gaithersburg Book Festival, and Poetically Correct.
Wow! Dr. Michael Anthony Ingram and I had a lovely time "On Air." If you have a moment please give a listen. This is the repost for those who missed the show, It was indeed a grand time! Thank you Dr. Ingram. Link https://www.blogtalkradio.com/ql_p/2021/02/04/quintessential-listening-poetry-online-radio-presents-brian-donnell-james?fbclid=IwAR2KvpHXr1b6_OkJKhnEwsp65cBOz-JJx40X6USw4iQFRcGAG76tRjThCKY#.YBt28hzmfzM.facebook
What an honor it was to perform with such wonderful musicians and poets to help raise funds for the Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya this morning. I got very emotional at the end when the babies from the camp read some poetry. Please contact Donna Donna Guerin to help.
Being selected to gather and be apart of this video reading of Tyler Cook's award winning poem, with poets from around the world was a blessing. It was further culminated when it was released to open GLAG21 a conference at Penn State University to combat food insecurities worldwide. We also took part in the "Poetry Café" also at Penn State sponsored by Poetry X Hunger and hosted by Dr. Hiram Larew.
When asked if I could co-host the number 4 poetry podcast globally, beating the New Yorker Poetry Podcast, Poetry Society (UK), Writer's Almanac, Poetry Magazine, Scottish Poetry Library, and 45 others my response was "Good Sir, I believe I can accommodate your request" Poets please call in to join D.C. icon Dr. Michael Anthony Ingram, Jackie Oldham , and me next Saturday the 19th for the Juneteenth open mic! link https://www.blogtalkradio.com/ql_p/2021/06/20/ql-por-proudly-presents-a-juneteenth-open-mic-poetry-reading
Here is tonight's podcast! It was such a joy to join host Michael Anthony Ingram and co-hosts Aaron R. Whitehead , Dee Lynn, and Jackie Oldham, Brian Donnell James to share Religious, Spiritual, and Inspirational Poetry. My Spirit was renewed. May yours be, too.
Other episodes of the podcast are also listed.
It was such a joy being on icon Dr. Michael Anthony Ingram show again as we addressed mental illness with some wonderful poets. In case you missed it here is the replay, the show was literally on fire at the end (wink). link https://www.blogtalkradio.com/ql_p/2021/05/28/a-national-mental-health-awareness-month-poetry-program
Writing and Speaking...On Demand!
July Writers' Enrichment. WBTR board member and award-winning poet and speaker Brian Donnell James will discuss writing on demand using 7 principles to address particular topics and building a speaking/reading career based on your writing.
Giving thanks to my writing family Spilled Ink Virginia and Write by the Rails at Jarani's Coffee House a few hours before my flight for the filming of the TV pilot. #americasnextgreatauthor
Thank you Arlington Arts and Dan Brady for having KaNikki Jakarta Poet Laureate of Alexandria Virginia, Poet Roger Tanner, and myself celebrate National Black Poetry Day.
Performing "Reflections of the South"
Blessed to be with fellow United Nations winning poet Aaron R Whitehead on the Aaron R network. It was a great interview, Here is the director's cut.
Had a though provoking and wonderful evening of conversation and poetry with some powerhouse poets, as a guest on "The Poetry Corner" in New York City. Hosted by Poet Joel Atterbury.
Brian..."Love Guru"...LOL!. In the spirit of Valentine's ground breaking author of three books Julie Dozier and mega producer Quinton Ford blessed me to be on their show and relationship chronicle "Crown Rules"